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Airline / Aircraft Location and Date Photographer
Wright Airlines
Convair 440 Metropolitan
Cleveland - Burke Lakefront (BKL/KBKL)
USA - Ohio, August -, 1977
NwFedEx 757
Registration/Serial No. | Remarks & Notes
N4401 (cn 483) Her flying days over this "old colors" Wright Cv-440 sits behind their hangar at Burke Lakefront

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wrench4fred September 26, 2009 at 12:50PM Rating: 10
We also operated CV 640`s, but the 440 was way before my time. Excellent shot and subject as usual NwFedEx757.

RampBoss September 26, 2009 at 12:21PM Rating: 10
Now I know. I just thought that Wright flew CV-600's. I never knew they flew the old piston Convairs. I like the car in the photo and the waves crashing on the breakwall in the background. Nice.