A FedEx Express A300 on a missed approach into Cleveland last June. Photo: Sam Legarth – OPShots Contributor //
“Numerous” close calls at airports with certain layouts and independent takeoff and landing operations have prompted the NTSB to ask the FAA for changes to certain air traffic control procedures.In arecommendation letter published July 1, the NTSB asks for new separation standards to set the procedures controllers use in situations in which an aircraft departs one runway and another aircraft is performing a go-around on a different, non-intersecting runway.The NTSB says standards exist for controllers to provide separation between two aircraft that are departing from runways “that do not physically touch but have intersecting flight paths,” but there is no requirement for controllers to provide the same protections “for the potential go-around flight path of a landing aircraft even though, in the event of a go-around, the arriving aircraft effectively becomes a departure.”