Country singer Alan Jackson's Falcon 50 was caught by Paul at Lorain County awaiting the singer's return. Photo: Paul Csizmadia - OPShots Contributor
Lorain County resident and photojournalist Paul Csizmadia is the winner of this week’s OPShots Topshot award. Paul is a tireless man of many interests, and won’t think twice about driving that extra mile to get “the shot.” Paul has some 300 photos in the database, and has been a member since 2009. His photos cover a wide variety of topics covering all aspects of aviation. His pictures come from a variety of places as well, and he has almost single-handedly contributed the entire portfolio of Dallas-Fort Worth shots on the site!
Paul is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet and once you meet him you’ll never forget him. Paul can often be seen spotting from the 100th Bomb Group restaurant parking lot, trying to capture that feeling we all know and love…that of being close to airplanes!
For that and more, you are the next OPShots Topshot!
You can see all of Paul’s photos here: https://www.opshots.net/gallery2/index.php?page=photos&searchcode=dWlkOjc3