A Pacific Aerospace PAC-750XL rests at CAK in one of Gary's fantastic ramp photos. Photo: Gary Starcher - OPShots Contributor
OPShots contributor Gary Starcher has been our eyes and ears at Akron-Canton airport for a long time, contributing over 2,000 photos to the site documenting the comings and goings at Hopkins airport’s main competitor. His photos document the rise of AirTran at the field, as well as extensive coverage of business and general aviation movements as well. In addition to this, he has a talent for night shots, some which will take your breath away! Gary is a valuable asset to the site, and for that he is the recipient of this edition of the OPShots Topshot award!
Gary has been out of commission lately due to computer issues, but he assures us he will be back soon. I for one, can’t wait!
You can see all of Gary’s photos here.