

Photos: AirC Images’ father… Still loving planes 70 years later! – OPShots.net

Roosevelt Field, New York, 1941. Photo: AirCImages - OPShots Contributor

OPShots contributor AirC Images has submitted a pair of photos of his Dad, taken 70 years apart. The older photo, from 1941, shows a dashing young aviator standing in front of a Curtiss Condor II biplane bomber at the now long-gone Roosevelt Field in New York. Seventy years later, he is now ninety one years old and poses in front of a B-17 at Youngstown-Warren airport.

Same man, different plane...70 years apart! Photo: AirCImages - OPShots Contributor

About the author

Chuck Slusarczyk Jr.

I started OPShots in June 2006 as a place to share and display aviation photos without the often restrictive policies of other aviation websites. I want to share my love of aviation with fellow aviation geeks and provide a spotlight on Cleveland Hopkins International airport in the process.

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