A Saudi Arabian Government A340 paid CLE a visit, arriving from IAD to escape the wrath of Huricanne Irene. This aircraft seems to be based at IAD and goes out on training flights and returns to IAD. Rarely photographed, great pictures were also taken by other OPShots members(click reg) who caught this beautiful A340 aircraft…An Opshots First!
This is apparently a rather rare-bird in that it is the only member of the Saudia VIP flight to be painted in standard Saudia Arabian Airlines colors. Perhaps this is to be less conspicuous when traveling abroad in this flying royal palace?
Furthermore, this aircraft is a one-off short bodied version of the A340-300, initially made for the Sultanate of Brunei, but it was never delivered. Stored in Hamburg, Germany for ten years, the Saudi Royal VIP flight purchased it in Feb. 2007 and had it lavishly fitted out, only entering service for the first time in summer of 2011 already twelve years old! – OPShots.net