Is there a new sun rising for Cleveland Hopkins? Community planners hope so. Photo: Ed Jones - OPShots.net
Calling Cleveland Hopkins International Airport the doorway to the city, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson today laid out a $1.6 billion master plan for the remaking of the 86-year-old airfield.
The plan, which will play out over the next two decades, includes a modernization of the main terminal, a new hotel, moving walkways on Concourse C and a new mini-terminal that will give passengers direct access to the remote Concourse D, which is designed for smaller regional jets.
The city also expects to expand and improve parking and the roadways into and out of the airport; boost the capacity for air cargo handling; and upgrade facilities for aircraft maintenance. Planners also have penciled in areas for mixed-use development that will provide the airport with nonairline revenue, which will make Cleveland Hopkins less costly for the commercial airlines.