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Airline / Aircraft Location and Date Photographer
Bede Aircraft Corporation
Bede BD-10
Cleveland - Burke Lakefront (BKL/KBKL)
USA - Ohio, September -, 1993
Kenneth Koehn
Registration/Serial No. | Remarks & Notes
N2BD (cn 30001) Designed as a high performance civilian aircraft, this BD-10 performed at the 1993 Cleveland Air Show. Though never living up to its full potential, this aircraft's performance would make any light plane pilot drool. Like many Jim Bede projects, this one never got very far, and only five aircraft were made. A shame, that would have been one exciting aircraft to fly around in!

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Kenneth Koehn September 14, 2011 at 07:32PM Rating: 9
George- there was the BD-5J, an even smaller jet from Bede that had a single tail. That aircraft was at the Cleveland Air Show many times, and was touted as the jet with the world's fastest landing gear- they retracted and came back down in the blink of an eye. The BD-10 blew it away performance wise, and was a very legitimate attempt at a high performance aircraft that could be flown by the (rich) general public. The rate of climb was stated to be 20,000 feet per minute!

NwFedEx757 September 14, 2011 at 07:09PM Rating: 10
Thats pretty neat..I remember these Bede's back then and the flight display it put on!.Was there also a single tail one ?

Chuck Slusarczyk Jr. September 14, 2011 at 02:18PM Rating: 9
Very cool! I never saw the BD-10 myself, but Jim Bede is alive and well and living in Medina county!